Professional Mold Remediation
(408) 543-2770

Why Children May Be More Susceptible to Mold

Mold affects countless homes across the globe. It has the power to cause structural damage and ruin furniture over time — but it can lead to health problems too if left untreated.

And mold’s impact on children may be far worse than on adults.

Every parent or guardian must be aware of mold’s dangers and the steps you can take to avoid them. In this post, SJ Mold Removal takes a closer look at the reasons behind mold’s impact on children’s health, to help you and your family stay safe.


Developing Immune Systems are More Vulnerable to Mold Spores

Mold is most likely to grow in damp, warm spots.

You may see it in your basement, especially in corners where you might have left a leaking pipe untreated or rainwater seeps in from outside. You could notice mold forming in your loft or bathroom too.

Wherever mold forms, it spreads by releasing airborne spores. And children’s health may suffer when they breathe these in.

One reason for this is the state of their developing immune systems, which are more vulnerable. Mold spores can trigger different types of allergic reactions — especially problematic if your child has asthma or other respiratory conditions.

Symptoms to watch out for include:

Other symptoms similar to the flu could be a sign of mold-related problems too.

Black mold is the most dangerous to children. It releases mycotoxins known to trigger severe irritations in the mouth and throat., or even internal bleeding within the lungs in some cases.


Mold’s Effect on Delicate Skin

Children’s skin is thinner and more delicate than adults’. It’s more prone to react when it comes into contact with black mold and may result in the following issues:

Children should be kept away from the toxic black mold as soon as you spot the growth. Ideally, send them to a friend or relative while the fungus is removed by professionals.


Impaired Cognitive Functions

Toxic black mold can contribute to neurological problems in extreme cases.

Why? The trichothecene mycotoxins inherent in the black mold are strong enough to destroy neurons and impair children’s brainpower. This can lead to:

Trust Professional Mold Removal to Stay Safe

As you can see, mold — particularly toxic black mold — has the potential to affect your child’s health and wellbeing in disturbing ways.

You must take immediate action to remove the mold to prevent it from growing or spreading to other areas. A swift removal mitigates the risk of physical or mental problems caused by prolonged exposure.